Share Your Printers
Share your printers in network - multi-user printing tasks sharing service makes printing easier.
Go To ProductShare USB devices
Share USB devices (storage, scanner ,MFP, printer ...) in network for ease of access across multiple workstations.
Go To ProductIoT Cooperation
Wireless your Internet of Things; AI your Internet of Things; Intelligent and Simplify Industrial IoT; Join your IoT
Go To ProductEMS Service
Electronic Manufacturing Services: you design, we help you manufacture. We focus on small production and flexible EMS manufacturing services.
We are proud to have rich experience, a solid research and development team, and advanced cutting-edge technologies.
Originally spun off from the Networking Product Division of Zero One Technology Co., Ltd., Chairman Lin and General Manager David Hsu founded ZOTECH Co., Ltd.

Originally spun off from the Networking Product Division of Zero One Technology Co., Ltd., Chairman Lin and General Manager David Hsu founded ZOTECH Co., Ltd. as a brand new business under the concept of the Customer as a Priority.
For more than twenty years, we have been committed to developing networking products. In 1993, for example, we launched an embedded print server that featured easy setup and simple management that facilitated more convenient sharing of print tasks on a local area network. With the rise of the Internet, we responded by launching an ADSL sharing server and USB server. Furthermore, in 2007 we launched a VoIP, IP-PBX telecommunication solution that allows …..
Our Location: 2F., No.5, Aly. 22, Ln. 513, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.) . Mail Box: [email protected] . TEL: +886-2-2656-5600
2F., No.5, Aly. 22, Ln. 513, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
+886 2 2656 5600